Calves, low-volume day
Calves were just worked at very high volume on Monday, so today is a low-volume day to avoid overtraining.
Drop-sets, Standing Calf raises
A1 Reps: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 - Starting at 300 lbs and decreasing 20 lbs each mini-set of 10; rest 2 minutes then repeat this drop-set once for a total of two extended drop-sets(10 sets of 10)
Romanian Deadlifts super-setted with Single-leg Hamstring curls (kneeling)
A1 1 set, 6 reps, 295 lbs, tempo 3/0/X/0, no rest, move to leg-curls
A2 1 set, 10 reps, 100 lbs, tempo X/1/3/0,
rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 4 super-sets
Romanian Deadlifts drop-sets
B1 4 reps 275 lbs, 4 reps 245 lbs, 4 reps 225 lbs,
rest 2 minutes and repeat for total of 2 drop-sets
Romanian Deadlifts
C1 3 sets, 12 reps, 225 lbs rest 2 min between sets
Ham-Glute raises - kneeling on bench with my feet under other equipment to hold me (these were assisted with a bar as I had to support the movement with my arms to keep from hitting the floor on the eccentric portion of the exercise)
D1 6 sets, 10 reps, rest 1 min between sets
Seated leg curls
E1 3 Drop-sets, 10 reps @ 152 lbs then 5 reps at 138 lbs, rest 90 seconds & repeat
Calves were just worked at very high volume on Monday, so today is a low-volume day to avoid overtraining.
Drop-sets, Standing Calf raises
A1 Reps: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 - Starting at 300 lbs and decreasing 20 lbs each mini-set of 10; rest 2 minutes then repeat this drop-set once for a total of two extended drop-sets(10 sets of 10)
Romanian Deadlifts super-setted with Single-leg Hamstring curls (kneeling)
A1 1 set, 6 reps, 295 lbs, tempo 3/0/X/0, no rest, move to leg-curls
A2 1 set, 10 reps, 100 lbs, tempo X/1/3/0,
rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 4 super-sets
Romanian Deadlifts drop-sets
B1 4 reps 275 lbs, 4 reps 245 lbs, 4 reps 225 lbs,
rest 2 minutes and repeat for total of 2 drop-sets
Romanian Deadlifts
C1 3 sets, 12 reps, 225 lbs rest 2 min between sets
Ham-Glute raises - kneeling on bench with my feet under other equipment to hold me (these were assisted with a bar as I had to support the movement with my arms to keep from hitting the floor on the eccentric portion of the exercise)
D1 6 sets, 10 reps, rest 1 min between sets
Seated leg curls
E1 3 Drop-sets, 10 reps @ 152 lbs then 5 reps at 138 lbs, rest 90 seconds & repeat