Friday, December 2, 2011

Back and Shoulders, Dec 2, 2011

Friday, another early morning run.  Meant to go 4 miles or more but a schedule change forced me to cut it short to about 2.25 miles.  7.5 minute miles. Just over 15 minutes to complete. Slower than what I wanted but not entirely unexpected now that my muscle weight is coming back up.

One set of wide pronated grip pull-ups     8 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of supinated chin-ups                 7 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of narrow neutral grip pull-ups     6 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of wide pronated grip pull-ups     8 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of supinated chin-ups                 7 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of narrow neutral grip pull-ups     6 reps        rest 45 seconds
One set of wide pronated grip pull-ups     6 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of supinated chin-ups                 6 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of narrow neutral grip pull-ups     6 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of wide pronated grip pull-ups     5 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of supinated chin-ups                 5 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of narrow neutral grip pull-ups     5 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of wide pronated grip pull-ups     5 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of supinated chin-ups                 4 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of narrow neutral grip pull-ups     4 reps        rest 45 seconds
One set of wide pronated grip pull-ups     4 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of supinated chin-ups                 4 reps        rest 45 seconds    
One set of narrow neutral grip pull-ups     4 reps        End of exercise

Total of 100 pull-ups completed in just under 20 minutes. * Neutral grip means semi-supinated (palms facing each other).

Exercise 1 - 6-12-25 Routine; **
A1  6 reps, delt machine flys
Rest 10 seconds
A2  12 reps, military presses
Rest 10 seconds
A3  25 reps, delt machine reverse flys (rear delts)
Rest 2 minutes, repeat for 4 total multi-sets

Exercise 2

B1  Military press, 8 reps with 3/1/1 tempo
No rest
B2  Reverse flys, 12 reps with 1/1/2/1 tempo
Rest 90 seconds, repeat for 3 total super-sets

**On all exercises, use a weight that corresponds to the number of reps indicated.


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